Akos Czigany / Erleuchtung
Vernissage am 17. Oktober 2012 um 19.00 Uhr
Dauer der Ausstellung bis 10. November 2012
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"Nichts sieht man auf diesen Schwarzweißaufnahmen als Rauten, Rechtecke oder Quadrate. Und doch mag man in diesen Bildern die Kunst der alten Meister wie der Gegenwart, der Antike wie der klassischen Moderne exemplarisch gespiegelt und verdichtet finden."
- Christoph Schütte in Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, 4. Dezember 2011
Auszeichnungen Akos Czigany: 2012 "Prix Lucien Herve et Rudolf Herve", Projekt "Ciel"
2011 Stipendiat der Stadt Frankfurt, Projekt "Light of Art"

BRAUBACHfive is pleased to present "Erleuchtung", a solo show of photographs by Akos Czigany.
The exhibition features three series of the artist, each revolving around the grand themes of light, genesis, void and structure. Arranged on three walls of the gallery respectively, all works on display have been created in recent years from 2009 through 2012.
Skies: hommage à Hiroshi Sugimoto 2010-
The artist's camera looks up from empty courtyards enclosed by apartment houses to the empty sky. Through many buildings and one and the same sky, this series establishes a vertical dialogue between man's two homes, earth and sky, and a horizontal dialogue, with respect, with Theaters (1975-2001) by Hiroshi Sugimoto, a culmination of photographic art.
"In the spirit of Constructivism and the Bauhaus, in the wake of Rodtchenko, Moholy-Nagy, Kepes, Kertesz and even Lucien Hervé, he devotes himself to bestowing on his photographs their primary meaning, namely 'writing with light', an approach both conceptual and documentary, compositions with purified lines, in majestic black and white, resulting in images that merge serenity and drama, suspended time, light and space."
- Gilles de Bure, art critic
Darwin Online 2009-2010
This series of giclée prints consists of compositions assembled from blank pages that the artist separated from photographic reproductions (scans) of early editions of Charles Darwin's books as they are publicly available online. Each composition includes all the originally unprinted internal pages of one specific edition, constituting a tableau of the empty part, the void of the books. The blind spot of the text is a meeting point of important contexts: science, belief, art and media. What if Darwin left a page blank for God?
"Blank pages, however, are not blank: on the images of Akos Czigany, what we can read is the unreadable, the 'creation' or 'evolution' of art, of vision itself (...). I really do not know - maybe vision has or will have a separate history which may in its subtile ways have some contacts with evolution, creation and understanding but, as a whole, it represents something else; and one of its chapters is, perhaps, the Darwin cycle."
- from "Natura non facit saltum", an essay by literary critic Marcell Nemeth
Gallery: The light of art 2007-
Have you ever looked up at the ceiling in a museum? There is nothing to see there, except for sources of light that makes the artworks visible, and thereby remains invisible. Czigany has been photographing the abstract architecture of illumination on museum and gallery ceilings across Europe, including the Städel Museum, the Museum für Moderne Kunst and more in Frankfurt am Main, and the lighting system of Galerie BRAUBACHfive as well. Reframing the experience of "art", "space" and "art space", the artist's question is - Is there light in today's art?
About the artist
Within five years since his first show in 2007, Akos Czigany (1972) has been exhibiting in many countries over Europe and was awarded Lucien and Rodolf Hervé Prize in Paris (2010), 2nd Prize and Leica Gallery Prague Special Prize at Frame international competition in the Czech Republic (2011) and more. Supported by the international Artist in Residence Program of Kulturamt Frankfurt a. M., in 2011 he photographed various museum and gallery interiors in the city to extend his series "Gallery: The light of art". After participating in group shows in Frankfurt ("ConText", L. A. Galerie Lothar Albrecht, April to May 2011; Artists in Residence 2011, November 2011 to January 2012), "Erleuchtung" is his first solo show in the city. Czigany lives and works in Budapest.